Today is our day to participate in
Blog It Forward, an idea dreamed up by Victoria from
sfgirlbybay. If you haven't heard about Blog It Forward, it is a connected stream of
300 blogs in which each blogger writes about what inspires them. We explain it a little more
here. [To new friends who may be stopping by for the first time, we welcome you!]
As visual people, everything we see has an impact and inspires/ influences us in one way or another.
We love color. These are the flowers that inspired the jack + jenn color palette.
[photography by jenn]
All kinds of patterns.
Fashion is a huge part of our lives. From street fashion..
to runway couture.
Alexander Wang Fall 2010 Collection [via
Interior design and home decor are also major inspirations.
Little architectural details, especially those on a NYC brownstone, are particularly inspiring.
Snow creates a blank canvas and a jumping point for fresh ideas.
We are inspired by strangers in passing,
vintage suitcases,
and gorgeous food.
Graphic Designers by profession, we are heavily inspired by typography, branding and packaging design.
We are also inspired by great Designers like
Milton Glaser [best known for the I Love NY logo]. This version was re-done by Milton Glaser post 9-11.
and Artists like Jeff Koons.
We can go on and on, but we find beauty and inspiration in anything and everything that touches our lives. From hanging out with friends and family to window shopping; we never know what may inspire us so we carry cameras and notebooks wherever we go to document it all.
Thank you to
Inspire Wire for introducing us yesterday. And another a big thank you to
Victoria for organizing this wonderful collaborative effort, we would be thrilled to be part of any future endeavors. Also, please check out
Jamie Of All Trades for Monday's installment of
Blog It Forward, we look forward to reading it.