A few weeks ago I began seeing the cutest origami pendants around the internet and after a quick Twitter convo with Hijiri from Heart Fish and Jody from Brin & Nohl -- I discovered that they were coming from French Designers, Claire Naa and Arnaud Soulignac of Origami Jewellery. I adore the idea of taking hard surfaces like metal or ceramic and making them appear malleable and organic.
How adorable are these?!?? I'm having a hard time deciding which I like best.. how about you?
Clockwise from top left: Triceratops, Crane, Pegasus, Lion :: All images via Origami Jewellery.
25 February 2010
23 February 2010
Rain Rain Go Away
What a rainy, dreary Tuesday in New York. It's the kind of day when you just want to roll over and stay in bed huddled under piles of blankets. The only things that get me through days like this are cute rain boots and bright umbrellas! Wouldn't you just love an umbrella like the one in this print?
"I'm Sorry But You Were Holding Me Back" Print (Limited Edition) :: Groundwork [via Caitidid Designs]
jack Tuesdays: Now That's a Closet!
As I stare at my room, I realize the one thing I need more than anything else is a bigger closet. Oh, how many days and nights I dream of a space which not only fits all of my dresses, bags, and shoes, but also is able to display them so I can actually see what I own. How many times have I crammed a new purchase into my closet only to forget about it and find it a few months later. How many times (and Jenn can attest to this) have I given up on going anywhere near my closet because it takes too much effort tripping over piles of stuff getting to it. As I continue to dream of an organized space of considerable size, here are a few closets that I find beautiful.
images via:
Nicky Hilton's closet
We Heart It

images via:
Nicky Hilton's closet
We Heart It

19 February 2010
jenn Thursdays: Spring Where Are You?
I'm generally sick of winter as soon as it begins. Some years I even dread the leaves changing color because I know winter is on the horizon. This year, however, I didn't really mind it, until we had a second dumping of snow within a week of a blizzard. Now I'm completely over it. I'm ready for flowers and sun and not wearing scarves/ gloves/ coats/ etc. To prepare, I have been looking for the perfect vase for my favorite spring flowers - tulips. I love using old glass bottles and jars -- and these vintage replicas are a refreshing alternative that I am particularly coveting.. [and being that my birthday is only two weeks away I'm hoping my boyfriend gets the hint ::cough::cough::].

Beautiful tulips from a certain sweetie
Vintage NYC Themed Porcelain Milk Bottle Set :: Alyssa Ettinger
Beautiful tulips from a certain sweetie
Vintage NYC Themed Porcelain Milk Bottle Set :: Alyssa Ettinger
17 February 2010
jack Tuesdays: Happy Chinese New Year!!!

The Year of the Tiger officially began on Valentine's Day this year! The Lunar New Year is a celebration that lasts 15 days and is the most important holiday for many Asian cultures. To prepare for it, I cleaned the house from top to bottom last week (yes, it's also spring cleaning time!) to ensure that my good luck this year will not be blocked by my many piles of "organized" mess and layers of dust. On New Year's Eve my rather large family came together for a feast; there was a lot of red envelope exchanges and smiles all around. The best part of the festivities was when my cousins and I decided to go on a last minute ski trip for the long weekend to continue the celebration. What an awesome way to begin a new year and I can't wait to see what the rest of the year has in store for me!
image via p!ng
[jackie =0)]
15 February 2010
ABC Paper Cup
12 February 2010
Alexander McQueen, 1969-2010
A photographic tribute to one of the world's most iconic designers, Alexander McQueen.
Alexander McQueen, 1969-2010
via WWD.com
Spring/ Summer 2010 Collection presented at Paris Fashion Week
via Glamour Vanity
via Fashion Bride
Alexander McQueen, 1969-2010
via WWD.com
Top Set :: Spring 2005, Fall 2005, Spring 2006, Fall 2006
Middle Set :: Spring 2007, Fall 2007, Spring 2008, Fall 2008
Middle Set :: Spring 2007, Fall 2007, Spring 2008, Fall 2008
[all images twelve images were found via style.com]
Spring/ Summer 2010 Collection presented at Paris Fashion Week
via Glamour Vanity
via Fashion Bride
11 February 2010
Truly Fabulous People..
There is just something about typography that makes whatever it adorns absolutely irresistible. Like these bangles for example. The quotes are great especially this one that reads, "truly fabulous people don't get dressed before lunchtime." [Well.. duh.] Now until Valentine's Day you can have a personal inscription printed on the interior of your cuff for free.. normally an additional $40 service.
Nantucket Bracelet :: Jessica Kagan Cushman [via The Cut]
jenn Thursdays: Understated Love
Ten years later, the words of my most memorable high school English teacher saying, "hearts are SO babyish" still resonates in my head and I only wish I could remember what the context was that she felt the need to say this repeatedly.. but regardless, I have always LOVED hearts. Not in a goo goo gaga, tacky velvet, red and pink sparkly heart kind of way [although I do enjoy sparkly things..] but rather in more of an understated, hidden, sentimental, cute yet classy heart kind of way. So in the spirit of Valentine's Day, here are a few of my heart picks.. take that Mrs. G!
Deadgood Love Chair :: Ziglam & Brook [via iheartthisblog]
Valentine Heart Pillow :: RamonaOwenDesigns
09 February 2010
jack Tuesdays: Jewelry Is My Best Friend

Stump Ring :: Digby & Iona
Palmer Cuff :: Jeanine Payer
Spartica Collar :: Dannijo
First Crush Necklace No. 2 :: Melanie Favreau
Arty Dots Ring :: YSL
Laura Bracelets :: Katherine Sturgis
Long Tooth Drop Earrings :: Triskaidekaphobia
Skunk Jaw Pendant :: Porcelain Skulls (Etsy Seller)
[jackie =0)]
01 February 2010
Blog It Forward
If you haven't been following sfgirlbybay aka Victoria on Twitter or on her amazing [always interesting] blog you may not know about the 'Blog it Forward' blogger mashup that she is organizing. It sounds like an incredible collaboration and we are very excited to take part. Essentially the mashup will be a "connected stream of blogger posts on ‘what inspires us the most’ on our individual blogs, but link back & forward to the other blogs participating, a bit like a chain letter (but, hopefully a lot less annoying!)." For more information head over to Victoria's blog and shoot her an email by the end of this week - Friday February 5th!
"Hearts for Haiti: Etsy Sellers Do Their Part"
While scrolling on the front page of Etsy Friday morning I stumbled upon The Storque's latest post "Hearts for Haiti: Etsy Sellers Do Their Part" and to my sheer surprise there was an image of our "Our Hearts Are With You, Haiti" poster. I was so excited that I started dancing around my apartment -- only to find that across town Jackie was doing the same thing in HER apartment! We would like to sincerely thank Etsy for including us in their article. Additionally, we would like to extend a warm congratulations to Victoria (aka exlibrishandmade) as well as all of the other wonderful Etsy-ers involved with Hearts For Haiti -- their successes thus far have been extraordinary, a job well done!

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